Consultation about a new system to secure funds from some forms of development to help pay for local infrastructure projects, such as schools and community facilities, is being carried out by Tandridge District Council.
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a standardised rate that applies to most new buildings and charges are based on the size and type of development. The money raised will be used to fund infrastructure projects the council, local community and neighbourhoods need. Some of the money will be shared with parish and village councils for them to spend on infrastructure.
Chairman of the Planning Policy Committee, Councillor David Weightman, said: "This is an important new way of helping fund infrastructure projects, but it is important to strike an appropriate balance between maximising revenue and the potentially adverse impact upon the viability of development. The Council values residents' involvement to make sure rates are set at the right level."
The Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule and supporting evidence can be inspected at the Council Offices and local libraries during normal opening hours or by going to The consultation runs for six weeks from Monday 11 March until Monday 22 April.
Once the comments have been considered the Council will amend the Charging Schedule, if necessary and publish it for a further consultation. It will be submitted to an independent inspector for examination. Once agreed by the inspector, the Charging Schedule will be adopted by April 2014.